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Lavrov: NATO Wants War, We Will Fight

The Russian Foreign Minister announced that NATO’s opinion on not stopping the conflict in Ukraine shows its desire to go to war with Moscow.

.According to Sputnik, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday, after the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the member countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, paid attention to the fact that the statements of the NATO representatives only confirm global fluctuations and claims, which determines in fact change the rules of the game for all regions.

He said: “This applies both to the European part of our continent and to the eastern part of Eurasia. First of all, from the point of view of the provocations that NATO creates against China, encouraging the creation of military blocs such as AUKUS and upgrading NATO infrastructure. NATO’s presence in this region. This is a dangerous game. And sooner or later, NATO must realize its futility and deadlock”.

In another part of his speech, the Russian Foreign Minister emphasized Stoltenberg’s statement yesterday about NATO’s opposition to the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine: “If Stoltenberg, citing NATO, once again declares that he is opposed to the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, So they want to fight, well, let them fight, we are ready for it.

“Lavrov also said about the prospect of special military operations of Russia: “As far as the prospect of special military operations is concerned, the set goals will be achieved. I can only draw your attention to how the president President Putin spoke about this in detail both in the meeting with military journalists and at the St. Petersburg economic conference.

Source: spnfa
