The department considers the installation of the MRC the right idea
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation supported the idea of introducing minimum retail prices for beer and cider, RIA Novosti reports.
Before that, the Duma Committee on Economic Policy made a recommendation to study the possibility of introducing the MRP for beer drinks, cider, poire, and mead. This proposal was addressed to the Ministry of Finance and Rosalkogolregulirovanie. It is proposed to create a register of distributors of these products.
“The Ministry of Finance considers the MRC to be an effective mechanism for combating illegal products. Therefore, the introduction of the MRC is the right initiative that needs to be worked out,” the Ministry of Finance said.
The department said that they are in favor of state regulation of the production and circulation of methanol and methanol-containing liquids, including the introduction of licensing for such products, the definition of requirements for their production and circulation.
The Ministry of Finance, in addition, decided to advocate for tougher penalties for violating the ban on the addition of ethyl alcohol in violation of the regulations in the production of alcoholic beverages. The agency announced an initiative to lift the moratorium on inspection in relation to manufacturers and sellers of alcohol and spirits.
Source: spbdnevnik