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We Must Be Serious and Innovative: if Ghana’s Private Sector is to Become the Engine of Lasting Stellar-Growth

Yet, as it happens, we are actually covered by a legally binding commitment, made by the concurrence given by the then Okyenhene, Nana

Ofori-Atta 1, to my late Grandpa, P. E. Thompson Esq., who paid the princely sum of a total of £5,000, in 1921, for a commitment meant to last till the very end of time, binding Ofori Panin Fie, to always protect our freehold landholding portfolio across Akyem Abuakwa. Forever. Always. Literally. Full stop.

How can we talk glibly about the private sector being the engine of stellar economic growth, when such barbarism occurs every time my family brings foreign investors to show them our farmlands with a view to partnering them in profitable climate-resilient green projects – while law enforcement agencies look on, appearing to be unable and unwilling to intervene to prevent such abominations from occurring, I ask, dear critical-reader?

Ghana is a nation of laws, after all, and such egregious acts of lawlessness across Kwaebibirim, must never be tolerated by those charged with the noble task of protecting our system, and must consequently be halted once and for all, by the current government-of-the-day’s sector ministers appointed by President Ku-Addo, for precisely that purpose. Now. Not tomorrow. Yoooooooo…

As wise and aspirational Africans, if we are serious about transforming rural Ghana into a prosperous part of our beautiful and bountiful country, then

we must all understand clearly, that law courts exist for the purpose of settling disputed land title claims, in civilised societies, such as ours, oooo, Ghanafuor.

Finally, above all, let’s not forget that we are actually in competition with other Global South nations for investment to spur sustained green growth that will boost our GDP, generate jobs and create wealth that remains locally across the entirety of the territorial landmass of our Republic that is a liberal democracy and multi-ethnic country in which no tribe is superior or inferior to another, Ghanafuor. Let us always keep that in mind, wai, Ghanafour. We must be serious and innovative if Ghana’s private sector is to become the engine of lasting stellar-growth. Full stop. Case closed. Yooooooo.

Source : Modern Ghana
