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Belarus Ready to Take Part in Ghana’s Agricultural Mechanization Programs

On 5 June Belarus’ Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi met with Ambassador of the Republic of Ghana to the Russian Federation concurrently accredited to Belarus Lesley Opoku-Ware, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian diplomatic mission.

“The meeting took place on the 31st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Ghana. Dmitry Krutoi and Lesley Opoku-Ware congratulated each other on this milestone in bilateral relations and expressed their determination to step up efforts to develop contacts at all levels,” the press service noted.

The parties discussed ways to reinvigorate the Belarus-Ghana political dialogue and to expand cooperation in trade, economic, humanitarian and other fields, as well as interaction between Belarus and Ghana in international organizations. Dmitry Krutoi and Lesley Opoku-Ware agreed to help conduct regular ministerial consultations as soon as possible and organize visits of government and business delegations.

“The ambassador of Belarus outlined the areas where our countries could make significant progress. These are manufacturing, agriculture, food security, medicine, and education. Belarus is ready to participate in Ghana’s agricultural mechanization programs, supply this country with a wide range of utility vehicles, medicines, to introduce the latest technologies in the agro-industrial complex, to train Ghanaian students in Belarusian universities across various fields of expertise,” the diplomatic mission informed.

The ambassador of Ghana highlighted the genuinely friendly nature of bilateral relations. She fully upheld the practical steps proposed by the Belarusian side to promote cooperation. The diplomat noted that Ghana is a major producer of high-quality fruits and cocoa and is ready to supply them to the Belarusian market in any volume.

“The diplomats noted that the two countries have similar approaches to the most pressing issues on the international agenda and reaffirmed the commitment of Belarus and Ghana to a fair multipolar world order based on the principles of international law and respect for the sovereign equality of states. They agreed to strengthen coordination and mutual support on international platforms,” the press service added.

Source : BELTA
